Coaching Benefits and Process
Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future. In Coaching, fundamentally, the coach is helping the individual to improve their own performance: in other words, helping them to learn. Good coaches believe that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understands that they may need help to find the answer. Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them. We at Ritz Coaching, provides the best Spoken English and Hindi classes in Bangalore.
ritz coaching
The benefits of Spoken English and Hindi classes in Bangalore an individual include: Improvement in individual’s performance, targets and goals. Increased openness to personal learning and development. Increased ability to identify solutions to specific work-related issues. Greater ownership and responsibility. Development of self-awareness.
ritz coaching
The Coaching Process
- Clarifying what you want
- Assessing where you are right now
- Reviewing your resources and options
- Creating an action plan
- Instilling motivation and commitment
- Calibrating and keeping you on track
- Celebrating successes along the way